Southern Mongolia

It is possible to fly to Altai, Bayanhongor, and Dalanzadgad on one of the domestic airlines from Ulaanbaatar. Sainshand lies on the Trans-Mongolian Railway and can be reached by train. All parts of the region can be reached by bus from UB, however only Sainshand and Bayanhongor have paved roads connecting to the capital.
   Mongolian linguists and would be on the same level as the other three major dialect groups Khalkha, Buryat, Oirat. (Within this classificational scheme, Oirat usually includes Kalmyk, but a classification that assumes Kalmyk as a major dialect group of its own right also exists.) Southern Mongolian would consist of the dialects Chakhar, Ordos, Baarin, Khorchin, Kharchin and (possibly) Alasha that originated from Oirat. The varieties spoken in Xilin Gol which form a major dialect of their own right and are close to Khalkha are classified as belonging to Chakhar in this approach. Because Southern Mongolian would consist of all non-Buryat Mongolian varieties spoken in Inner Mongolia, this classification has been argued against by several linguists who hold that there is a dialect continuum between Khalkha and the Southern Mongolian varieties that rather favours grouping Chakhar, Ordos and Khalkha on the one hand and Khorchin and Kharchin on the other hand, or at least that "Mongolian proper" is an immediate member of Mongolian.