Info for Tours


This area is probably one of the oldest farming an area in Mongolia. Karakorum was the capital of the Mongolian great empire in 13th century. This short excursion to the ancient capital of Karakorum will give you a new perspective on the nature of Mongol Empire. Karakorum is located at the lower end of the upper Valley of Orkhon, which is part of the World heritage site Orkhon Valley Cultural Landscape. Orkhan was a center of Xiongnu, Gokturk and Uyghur empires. The location marks the eastern foothills of The khangai mountains.  Its about 343 km from Ulaanbaatar city, and located 1540m above sea level, the area is 2,241km, the population of a town is around 12601 with recent report.

When Khubulai khan claimed the throne of the Mongol empire in1260s as he relocated his capital to Shangdu and later to Khanbalig (Dadu, todays beijing).  In 14th century, Ogedei and his successors, Karakorum becomes major site for world trade and politics. After the collapse of Yuan dynasty in 1368, Karakorum becomes the residence of Bilitu khan in1370. In 1388, Ming troops took and destroyed the town. In 1415 decided to rebuild it.but no archeological evidence for such a venture has been found yet. However, Karakorum was inhabited at the beginning of the 16th century.

Karakorum was the center of the metallurgy, and iron cauldrons, axle rings for carts, abundant quantities of arrowheads and decorative metal objects have been uncovered. Local industry produced glass beads for jewellery and other decorative purposes; their forms are of a type was widespread  across all Mongol empire Spindle weights tell us that yarn was being produced-presumably from the wool of the Mongols own flocks. Of particular interest is the production and importation of ceramics. Recent excavations uncovered kilns which produced such objects as roof tiles and finials for the Chinese-style buildings, water pipes, sculptures and a variety of table ware.

Karakorum was a busy spindled city with high civilization built by the best artists and masters of antiquity but it was completely destroyed in the fierce of battles of the internecine war/it burned 2 times in history of 13-14 century/. Quite surprise for the scientist was discovery of a burial of Mongolian women which dates back to approximately 14th century were also two Egyptian masks , a wooden comb and bronze mirror in a case were found- shows elder relationship between the nations.

By the time Marco Polo reached China in the early 1270s, the Qubilai Khan had made Beijing the Empires capital, replacing Karakorum. Yet throughout much of the 14thcentury it retained a symbolic importance as the city founded by the charismatic founder of the Empire, Genghis Khan.

    ERDENE ZUU monastery

The Erdenezuu monastery is probably the earliest surviving Buddhist monastery in Mongolia. Abtai sain khan ordered construction of the Erdenezuu monastery in 1585 after his meeting with the 3rd  Dalai lama and it it was become declaration of Tibetan Biddhism in Mongolia. Stones from nearby ruins of the ancient mongol capital of Karakorum were used in it/s construction. Planners attempted to create a surrounding wall that resembled a Tibetan Buddhist rosary featuring 108 stupas (108 being sacred number of Buddhism) but this objective never achieved. The monasterys temple walls painted x, and then The Chinese-style roof covered with green titles. The monastery were becomes largest than year by year and lot of constructions, stupas, temple are has been built in that time. In 1792 its extended having 62 temples, approximately 500 constructions, it housed up 1000 monks in there.  

In 1939 the communist leader Khorloogiin Choibalsan ordered the monastery destroyed as a part of a purge that obliterated hundreds of monasteries in Mongolia and killed over ten thousands monks. Three small temples and external walls with the stupas survived the Communist purge. However a surprising number of statues and tsam masks and thangkas are still there. In 1947 the temples were converted into museum not as a place of worship.

After the fall of Communist in Mongolia in 1990 the monastery was turned over to the lamas and Erdenezuu again become a place of worship. Today Erdenezuu khiid is considered by many to be the most important monastery in the country, though no doubt its a shadow of what it once was.


This 80-km sand dunes is situated in a terrain of 3 soums , Erdenesant of Tove province, Burd of Ovorkhangai, GurvanBulag of Bulgan province starting from west mount Batkhaan and stretches along west of Mount of Khugnu khan. The main road separates this sand dune into two parts. Mongols Els on the south of and Khugnu Tarnyn els on the north. The sand is sodden under its surface, so shrubberies such as willow, elm and dogwood , grow in the area. Elsen Tasarkhai is surrounded by Mount Khugnu Khan and Mount ikh Mongol on the south. The area is populated by the Maral stag (elk), wolves, deer and fox. The elsen tasarkhai literally means an isolated torn off piece of sand and it is a small sequence of real desert in the midst of green steppes. Together this present a unique combination of Mongolian mountains, forest and Gobi-type landscape in one location.  

Khustain Nuruu national park

Its known as Hustai national park and its located in Tov province, the Tuul River runs through the park. The Mongolian government declared Hustai national park as a Specially protected area, Unique wild horse /Przwalskis horse/  reintroduction  project started at HNP started in 1992. As the successful implementation of the project  today we have over 250 in the park. HNP extends through the Khentii mountains and includes the western edges of the Mongolian steppe at the boundaries of Altanbulag, Argalant and Bayankhangai soums of Tov province. Its only one None-governmental organization specializing in nature and environmental conservation.  

The HNP covers 50,600 ha land which is home to 499 species of vascular plants, 85 species lichens, 90 species of moss, and 33 species of mushrooms. 44 species of mammals have been recorded, including red deer, Mongolian Gazelle, roe deer, wild boar, wild sheep, ibex, Mongolian marmots, grey wolves, Eurasian lynx, Pallas cat, red fox, and Eurasian badger. The 217 species of birds include golden eagle, lammergeyer, great bustard whooper swan, black stork, Duaurian partridge and little owl. There are 16 species of fish, 2 species of amphibians, and 385 species of insects (including 21 species of ants, 55 species of butterflies, 10 species of brush crickets and 29 species of grasshoppers.) in 2002 the man and the biosphere reserves organization of UNESCO certified the HNP as a remember of the world biosphere network national reserves. HNP was enrolled as a member of IUCN (International union for conservation of Nature and natural resources) in 2007.

Takhi- Przwalskis horse

Distribution and Range: species were found end of 19th century in the Zuungariin Govi, from the foothills of the Tenger Mountains in the south, to the foothills of the Mongol Altai in the north, from Aj Bogd in the east to the Manas and Orongo River basins in the west. In the 1920s-1930s in the Mongolian Zuungariin Govi, harems could be seen grazing in: Takhiin Shar Nuruu, Kholkh Undur, Khavtsag, Baitag, Mountains, Gun Tamga, Khonin Us, Takhiin Usnii Govi, Bij, Bodonch and at the estuary of the Yench and Bulgan Rivers. From 1930-1950 the range was within the state borders prohibited zone that considerably limited the impact of livestock and people. After the 1950s the numbers declined. A few were occasionally seen, when local herdsmen moved their winter and spring quarters into the wild horses main habitat area -20-30km from the state border between Baitag Bogd Mountain and Takhiin Shar Range. Between 1950 and 1960 the range was threatened by military border forces and nomads which used pastures and open water sources. In the 1960-ies a few heads were occasionally seem but extinct. The only remaining relict of wild horse. Mongolian Government started Takhi reintroduction efforts beginning 1992 in cooperaion with concerned organizations, foreign individuals, and  Khustai National Park was established, as a result the reintroduced horses roam and reproduce Khustai National Park, the Great B Govi Strictly protected Area (Zuungaryn Govi), Bijiin River, Khonin Usnii Govi, Takhiin Us, Gun Tamga, Dorvoljin Soum of Zavkhan Aimag. There are now approximately over 400 free-ranging reintroduced and native-born Przewalski horses in Mongolia.

Habitat: Grassy steppe, semi desert, Found in small family groups (harems) of a stallion with mares and their offsring.

Population and threats: Pasture and water rsurces overlap with those of Wild Ass (Equus heminonus) and Goitered Gazelle ( Gazella Subgutturosa), sometimes also with Wild mountain sheep (Ovis Ammon ) and Ibex (Capra sibirica). In a harsh winter with high snowfall many die of starvation; also stressed from lack of water and good pasture. The last przewalski s Horse was born in the wild in 1947. Horses, especially foals, are sometimes taken by Wolves (Canislupus). Within 1898-1904 from Mongolia desert 88 foals were caught, 55 of which were sent to zooparks and animal farms in Ukraine, Germany, 53 of which reached their distinations healthy. They produced offsprings, who followed suit and there are about 2000 heads in 130 parks, natural reserves of 30 countries. There are about 400 wild horses in Mongolia in 3 areas, Khustai Nuruu, Bijiin River basin roaming free in wild. At the beginning of this century some horses taken from Mongolia and introduced abroad, where they were bred in captivity, increasing the population to 1000. 1940-1950 group of armed rebells near the border of then the border of then the Mongolian Peoples Republic have killed several Takhi for food, 1944-1945 great dzud effected the rapid loss of population, 19898-1903 in the process of taking the young foals, yearlings to Euorope, too many were caught, which had serious negative impact on harem structure and population size. Competes   for food and water with khulan (Mongolian wild ass), black tail gazelle, ocassionally Argali( Ovis) and Yangir (Ibex). Wolves prey on young foals, yearlings. In very cold winters with big snow fall the takhi die from hunger in groups. In 1947 a female foal was caught from Zuungaryn Govi, raised in Mongolia, and in 1957 transported to Askania- Nova, which died of natural causes in 1973. This foul named Altai or Orlista III was the last takhi born naturally in the wild.

Conservation Measures; Since 1992 Mongolia has organized the reintroduction of wild horses back to their native habitat within the established reserves. In 1992 15 heads were bought to Khustai Nuruu, and 5 to Bijiin River in Govi-Altai. In 2004, with bringing back 12 takhi to Khomyn steppe of Zakhan Aimag started the third project of takhi reintroduction. 20 were reintroduced from Holland and the Ukraine in 1993, 10 from Holland in 1994, 13 from Switzerland and Australia in 1995, and finally 21 from Switzerland and Holland in 1996.


Capital city of Mongolia

The capital of Mongolia is established at lake Shireet Tsagaannuur in what is now Burd soum in Overkhangai province and its named by Orgoo (Urga), its 230km (130miles) south west of the present site of UB and was intended by the Mongols nobles to be the seat of the First Jebtsundamba khutugtu Zanabazar , son of shireet khan Gombodorj (descendant of Genghis khan). As a mobile monastery- town and it changed the location 29 times along the Tuul river, Selenge and Orkhon. The capital settled current location in 1778s. its located in north central of Mongolia, the municipality lies at an elevation             of about 1300 metres (4300ft). Ulaanbaatar has been given numerous names in history. Before 1911, the officially name was the ikh khuree. Upon independence in 1911, with both the secular government and the Bogd khan palace present , the capital city name changed Niislel khuree. When the city become the capital of the new Mongolian people Republic in 1924 it name was changed to Ulaanbaatar (literally Red hero).

On December 29. 1911 the 8th Jeptsundamba khutugtu was declared ruler an independence Mongolia and assumed the title Bogd khan. In 1921 the city changed hand twice. First, on February 4, 1921 , a mixed Russian/Mongolian force led by White Russian warlord Roman von Ungern-sternberg captured the city, freeing the Bogd khan from Chinese imprisonment and killing a part of Chinese garrison.  On February 22, 1921 Bogd khan was once again elevated the great khan of Mongolia in urga. However at the same time Baron Ungern was taking control of Urga, a soviet-supported Communist Mongolian force led by Damdiin Sukhbaatar was forming up in Russia and in March they crossed the border. Finally Mongolia came to the control of of the Soviet Russia. On October 29, 1924 the town was renamed Ulaanbaatar.

In 1989-1990 democratic protests came to in Mongolia.

Since Mongolias transitions to market economy in 1990, the city has experienced further growth-especially in ger district as a construction of new blocks of flats had basically broken down in the 1990s. The population has more than doubled to one over million inhabitants. This cause a number of social, environmental and transportation problems. In recent years construction of new buildings has gained new momentum, especially in the city center and apartment prices have skyrocketed.

We can see the Gandantegchinlen monastery with large Janraisag statue, the socialist monument complex of Zaisan memorial with its great view over the city, Winter palace of the Bogd khan, Chinggis square and the nearby Choijin lama Temple. Addinaolly UB houses numerous museums, two parts of the prominent ones being the National museum of Mongolia, and the Zanabazar fine arts Museum.    

VIII Bogd khan Jebtsundamba Khutugtu  (1870-1924)

He was enthroned khan of Mongolia after the Xinhai (Qing dynasty)revolution in 1911. He was born in Tibet.  As the 8th Jebtsundamba Khutuktu, he was the third most important person in the Tibetan Buddhism hierarchy, below only the Dalai and Panchen Lamas,nad therefore also known as the Bogd  Lama. He was the spiritual leader of outer Mongolia is Tibetan Buddhism. His wife Tsendiin Dondogdulam. In history, in 1871 he was recognized as the 8th reincarnation Of Bogd Jebtsundamba. In1874 he was invited to Mongolia with his family. He devoted his entire life and sprint to Mongolia.

Bogd jebtsundamba VIII played  a prominent role in the development of Khuree (the capital)culture. For instance, in 1915 he encouraged the introduction of telecommunications and established a zoo park with various exotic inhabitants. He also organized concerts, making a contribution to the development of Khuree songs. In 1917 a long song was taught his guards at his decree. Also he was either a great visionary and nationalist, he blinded by syphilis.

Bogd khan Mountain

The Bogd khan mountain strictly protected area in Mongolias and perhaps the oldest officially and continuously protected site in the world. Officially declared a scared mountain reserve in 1778, evidence of its protected status dates back to the 13th century predating the establishment of the United states Yellowstone National park by nearly 100years. The entire massif, extending some 32 km east to west up to 16 km, north to the south and topped by 2252m Tsetsee gun peak. The mountain landscape features dense coniferous forests and have rock on the upper slopes and open grasslands, including wildflower meadows, at lower elevations. Each site is believed to be owned by a spirit.

 During the communist era, from 1924-1989, Buddhism was suppressed , ovoo worship was outlawed, monasteries were destroyed, Buddhist texts disappeared, and many were killed. However Following the election of democratic government in 1990, Mongolia has worked to restore its spiritual, and cultural conservation traditions. On the Bogd khan mountain, ceremonies led by local Buddhist lamas honoring the deities of the mountain are again taking place.

Bogd khan mountain significance as a holy mountain stretches back to the time when shamanism with its focus on worship of natural sites- was dominant, and its reverence continued as shamanism was integrated into Buddhism, which become a Mongolias state religion in the 13th century. The mountain is associated with the Mongolian shamanistic deity Dunjigarav, who rides grey horses.

One important ceremony was the mountain sacrifice-worship at Bogd khan mountain. On the peak, there are 2 ovoos, right one is sacrificed by statesmen and left one is by religious leaders had done every six months, in the spring and fall. The sacrifice to the Bogd khan mountain south if ikh khuree (present UB) began in 1778 and had a accompany Naadam. Many items- pearls, coral, khadag, scented woods which were customarily offered to the Mountain.

In 1995, the govermnet designated Bogd khan uul a strictly Protected Area one of several conservation categories established by Mongolian law. This precipitated UNESCOs awarding of biosphere Reserve status to the mountain in 1996. In addition, Bogd khan mountain is one of three sites recognized by Mongolian presidential decree as a natural sacred site.

-total area 67.300ha (260 sq.miles), mammals-54species, 1660species-insect, bird-194species,

Dominant Siberian pine, larch, coniferous, 588 species-plants.


Buddhism is a religion and dharma that encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs, spiritual practices largely based on teachings attributed to the Buddha. That is path of practice and spiritual development leading to insight into the nature of reality.

Four noble truth is 1. Truth of suffering, 2. Truth of the case of Suffering, 3. Truth of cessation, 4. Truth of the path.

Buddhism can be considered as a religion A philosophy, a science, or a psychology. Many elements of Buddhism are similar to elements of other religions, but while other religions believe in an external creator or God , this external creator is not accepted in Buddhism. Buddha is human being that achieved enlightenment.

Buddhist symbols-Stupa; the Stupa symbolizes the enlightened mind, the base symbolizes ethical discipline. The middle path concentration and all steps to Enlightenment, the top Wisdom/emptiness.

Mandala- are used in Vajrayana practice. The practitioners are in introduced into the Mandala when they take initiations to do specific practices.

Buddhist paintings and Statues: Most of paintings (thangkas) represent meditation deities. Deities are different aspects of the enlightened mind. Their expressions, postures, implements are symbols to help the meditator to purify his/her mind and realize this quality of the enlightened mind within her/his consciousness.

Deities in Buddhism: Expressions of wrathfulness ,weapons or skulls and blood etc.  are not for fighting others but to overcome ones own negative aspects of the mind. Female and male deities in union are not representations of sexual activities but again symbolize a unified state of mind or the union, of the female and male aspects of the mind.

Buddhism in Mongolia: Buddhism came to the Mongolia in three waves. First wave third century before Christ, second wave during the time of Genghis khan- mainly khublai khan who had a Tibetan guru, third wave around 1578s with Altan Khan and his relationship with third Dalai lama.

Under Gegeen Zanabazar(1635-1723). A Mongolian lama, traveled to Tibet in the mis-seventeenth century and become close friend of the fifth Dalai lama. Later He become Lama king of Mongolia, the first Jebtsundamba khutughtu. Zanabazars work pervaded Mongolia (many Thankas as well as statues of sacred arts of bronze casting, he designed new monastic robes, and hi invented the Soyombo script etc.) and his vision of Mongolia Buddhism flourished for more than two centuries.

Bogd khan-

Buddhism and communism: after Communist revolution , during the time of the great purges of 1928-1938, most monks killed or sent to Gulgas and almost all monasteries have been destroyed.